
LED Transparent film display P6.25 in Escalator in Shopping Mall in Macao

LED Transparent film display P6.25 in Escalator in Shopping Mall in Macao

Item: P6.25
Size: 20m x 1m, 4 Units
Date: February.2024
Location:  China
P1.875 indoor fine pixel pitch LED display installed in a furniture mall

P1.875 indoor fine pixel pitch LED display installed in a furniture mall

Item: P1.875
Size: 3000mm x 2022mm, 2 Units
Date: February.2024
Location:  China
P5 outdoor high brightness LED display installed in a primary school in Australia

P5 outdoor high brightness LED display installed in a primary school in Australia

Item: P5
Size: 0.24m (W) x 0.12m (H), 10 Units
Date: February.2024
Location: Australia
LED Outdoor Display Fixed Installation 3D Screen P7.81 in city centre of HengYang in China

LED Outdoor Display Fixed Installation 3D Screen P7.81 in city centre of HengYang in China

Item: P7.81
Size: 14m (W) x 9m (H) 
Date: February.2024
Location: China

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