P2 LED indoor HD display fine resolution screen for a meeting room in Shenzhen China

P2 LED indoor HD display fine resolution screen for a meeting room in Shenzhen China

In May, Innovision LED team made significant strides by successfully installing a cutting-edge p2 indoor fine resolution LED display in a meeting room located in the Economic and Technological Center of the South China --Shenzhen city. This state-of-the-art LED indoor HD display, measuring an impressive W6.72m x H1.92m and featuring an Eco solution, represents a remarkable achievement in the realm of high-definition visual technology. Notably, this display is intricately integrated into the meeting room's design, as it is firmly affixed to the wall with the cables and power supply expertly concealed within the structure. What sets this installation apart is the absence of traditional cabinets, as the display incorporates modules with magnets that are seamlessly attached to the construction, showcasing a popular and innovative approach to indoor LED display installations in  nowadays market. 

This method of installation yields several distinct advantages as below:
  1. Cost-effectiveness: By eschewing the need for conventional cabinets, the total cost of the display is substantially reduced, making it an economically feasible solution for businesses and organizations seeking to invest in premium LED displays.
  2. Weight reduction: The absence of encumbering cabinets results in a notable reduction in the overall weight of the display, contributing to enhanced efficiency and ease of handling during installation and maintenance.
  3. Simplified maintenance: The magnet-based solution enables effortless removal of LED modules from the front side, thereby facilitating streamlined access to essential components such as the power supply, receiving card, and cables, ensuring swift and convenient maintenance and repair processes.
  4. Versatile construction: The current construction is designed to seamlessly accommodate all indoor 320x160mm modules, allowing for future flexibility and scalability should there be a demand for higher resolution modules without necessitating alterations to the existing construction.
  5. Customer-centric approach: Innovision LED company takes pride in its unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction, exemplified by its tailored and flexible offerings that cater to diverse client requirements, ranging from top-tier solutions to Eco-friendly alternatives. With a steadfast dedication to providing LED displays that represent a prudent investment while fulfilling grand aspirations, Innovision LED company remains at the forefront of delivering cutting-edge visual solutions that exceed expectations.

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